Container-Bakery in Kinshasa, D.R. Congo
Our pilot project is a container bakery in the Congolese capital Kinshasa. The installed bakery is very popular and financing a local elementary school with its surplus.
Within the Center Ya Bana social project, a container bakery, which was originally made in Germany, was installed D.R. Congo.
This school and bakery project were implemented in cooperation with our non-profit partner Ya Bana Global Care e.V.
The goal is the long-term self-preservation of the project through the surplus of the container bakery, which represents a local source of income.
Since the primary school is operated free of charge and dependence on donations should be avoided, the container bakery was developed as a solution.
All operating costs of the school are covered by the surplus of the bakery. This makes the school and bakery project in D.R. Congo independent, which means that it can mantain and develop itself.
This project is also our Proof of Concept for our current container bakeries.